
Date received: 4 June 2024
Date responded: 24 June 2024

Information Requested:

1. The names of law firms that have assisted applicants to the Redress Scheme. I appreciate that providing numbers of applications may inadvertently identify applicants so I would like to make it clear that we do not require the number of applications each firm has provided, simply the
names of all firms.

2. The names of any charities that have assisted applicants to the Redress Scheme.

Redress Scotland’s Response:

1. Redress Scotland is the independent body which makes decisions on applications to Scotland’s Redress Scheme. The scheme is run jointly between the Scottish Government’s Redress team and Redress Scotland which each responsible for different part of the scheme. The Scottish Government’s Redress team are responsible for supporting applicants and their representatives with completing their applications ready for submission. The caseworkers will liaise with applicants and their representative throughout the course of the process. As such, this information is not held by Redress Scotland. This information may be held by the Scottish Government’s Redress team who can be contacted via email on

2. Same as the above.

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