
Information Requested:

Please could you send me all of the names currently on the contributors list and the amount each local authority/ organisation has financially contributed to redress in total since the Redress Scheme opened in 2021. Could I also observe any proof of transactions between the la/organisation and the Scottish Government too.

Redress Scotland’s Response:

1) Please could you send me all of the names currently on the contributors list the amount each local authority/ organisation has financially contributed.

We consider that that this information falls within the scope of the exemption in Section 25(1) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 which provides that a Scottish public authority may refuse to make information available where it is otherwise accessible. The information requested is
available here: Scotland’s Redress Scheme: contributor list – (

2) Could I also observe any proof of transactions between the la/organisation and the Scottish Government too

Redress Scotland is an independent non-departmental body which makes decisions on applications to Scotland’s Redress Scheme. The scheme is run jointly with Redress Scotland and the Scottish Government’s Redress team. Redress Scotland does not hold information on proof of transactions. This
information may be held by the Scottish Government’s Redress team who can be contacted via email on

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