The documents are written in plain English, but they do use some legal terms. If you are applying for redress, your case worker will be able to help with anything you don’t understand.

Subject Access

You have the right to see a copy of any personal information held about you by Redress Scotland. To ask for a copy, you have to make a ‘subject access request’. This document has full details.

Subject Access Requests >>

Chair’s Circulars

This is where you will find guidance and general information circulated to Panel Members by the chair of Redress Scotland.

Chairs Circulars>>

Freedom of Information

You have the right to ask to see certain information that Redress Scotland holds, and this document shows you how. (This is different from personal information about you, which is covered by Subject Access Requests – see above.)

Freedom of Information Releases >>

Freedom of Information Requests Procedure >>

Audit Risk and Assurance Committee

Here, you will find minutes from Redress Scotland Audit Risk and Assurance Committee meetings.

ARAC Minutes >>

Oversight Board

Here, you will find minutes from Redress Scotland Oversight Board meetings.

Oversight Board Minutes >>

Complaints Procedure

This guide shows you how to make a formal complaint about Redress Scotland’s actions or service. It also explains how we will deal with your complaint, and what you can expect from us.

Complaints Procedure >>

Guide to Information

This guide tells you what information is available (and what is not available). It also explains how you can find the information easily, how to request information Redress Scotland holds that has not been published and what charges may apply.

Publication scheme – guide to information >>

Code of Conduct

This document sets out the conduct expected of those who serve on the boards of public bodies in Scotland.

Code of Conduct >>

Rules of Procedure

These rules of procedure to regulate the conduct and proceedings of the Corporate Body are made under paragraph 11 of schedule 1 of the Redress Act.

Rules of Procedure >>

Standing Orders

These standing orders record the determinations made by Redress Scotland in respect of procedures applying to Redress Scotland panels.

Standing Orders >>

Guidance for Observers

This guidance is issued to anyone observing a Redress Scotland panel.

Guidance for Observers of Sitting Panels >>

Engagement Sessions Q&A

Here you will find Q&A sessions with chief executive Joanna McCreadie which took place during our engagement sessions with survivor support organisations.

Engagement Session 17/02/2023 Q&A >>

Engagement Session 22/02 Q&A >>

Framework Document

This document  sets out the broad framework within which Redress Scotland will operate and defines key roles and responsibilities which underpin the relationship between Redress Scotland and the Scottish Government.

Redress Scotland’s Framework Document >>

Quality Assurance and Improvement

Our Quality Assurance and Improvement Framework document aims to provide a set of expectations to ensure we make fair, independent and transparent decisions that are high quality and meet the needs of survivors through effective self-evaluation to enable our continuous self-improvement.

QA & I Framework Document >>

Data Protection Policy

This Data Protection policy sets out the responsibilities Redress Scotland has in relation to Data Protection Law. the roles and responsibilities of Redress Scotland staff and panel members and how Redress Scotland will handle Personal Data and other protected Special Category Personal Data fairly and securely.

Data Protection Policy >>

Corporate Policies

Here, you will find Redress Scotland’s corporate policies which have been created by our People Team and are shared with Redress Scotland staff.

Health and Safety >>

Equality and Diversity >>

Redress Scotland Biodiversity Report

In this report, you will find Redress Scotland’s approach to biodiversity

Redress Scotland Biodiversity Report >>

Discipline and Punishment Report

This report, regarding Discipline and Punishment in Child Care Settings in Scotland: Legislation, Regulations and Practice, has been prepared for Redress Scotland by Professor Andrew Kendrick, University of Strathclyde.

Discipline and Punishment Report >>

Appropriate Policy Document For The Processing of Special Category and Criminal Offence Personal Data

This document provides individuals with sufficient information so that they can understand how RS processes their special category personal data and/or criminal offences personal data for different purposes, and how long RS will retain this data for.

Appropriate Policy Document >>

Redress Scotland Records Management Plan

The Records Management Plan sets out proper arrangements for the management of records within Redress Scotland.

Redress Scotland Records Management Plan >>

Survivor Privacy Notice

This privacy notice tells you what Redress Scotland does, as a data controller, with the personal data that relates to you when you make an application under the redress scheme and it has been submitted to Redress Scotland, visit the Redress Scotland website, contact Redress Scotland to ask a question, make a suggestion or make a complaint to Redress Scotland.

Survivor Privacy Notice >>