Timescales at Redress Scotland

Redress Scotland is now receiving more completed applications from the Scottish Government every month. This means that it is taking longer before completed applications are allocated to a panel so they can make decisions.

Find out more about how decisions are made in panels.

Find out more about priority categories and our targets for making decisions.

The timescales below are accurate at the time of publication and we do not anticipate that there will be any significant increase in the near future. However, it is possible that timescales may increase in the longer term (for example, if we receive more applications).

Current Information on Timescales (June 2024)

• For all priority 1 applications (applicants who have a terminal illness) and all priority 2 applications (applicants who are aged over 68), we would expect the panel to take place within 6 weeks of your application being received by Redress Scotland.
• For Fixed Payment and Next of Kin applications, we would expect the panel to take place within 8 months of the application being received.
• For all other types of application, we would expect the panel to take place within 8 months of the application being received.
• For any application that has been submitted for a Review or a Reconsideration, we would expect the panel to take place within 2 months of your application being received by Redress Scotland.

Timescales may decrease if we are able to consider more applications each month. We will review and update this information on a monthly basis, so we would encourage you to check regularly.

We are aware that this waiting period is really difficult for many people, and that the application process may have already taken a long time before the application is sent to us. We are working hard to limit the time you will have to wait and have more panels taking place every month. We also want to provide the most accurate information we can about this.